Welcome to Angels Vs Demons

Welcome to Angels Vs Demons!

We are a community of people that dedicate time in our busy schedules to get together with friends to role-play our fantasies and ideas. If this is your first time being here, please briefly introduce yourself to our community as we love to have new members join us.

We started out back in 2009 in the forums of roblox.com. There our love for role-playing brought the group together when Naru, one of the current admins, made the thread called Angels Vs Demons. Slowly but surely, the group of five came together into forming the second largest thread in the Role-Playing forums in Roblox.

After some unhappiness regarding the constant users harrassing the group, Ild made the first AvD site in the forum hoster ucoz.com away from Roblox in the summer of 2012. It was an easier place to go and since it was our own site and there was no need to impose strict rules, the group thrived for three years, foraging close frienship bonds with one another. All was well with 467 threads, 146865 posts, and 48 members.

Up until recently in the september of 2015, the forum hoster ucoz.com encountered many bugs and attacks, even sometimes rendering the AvD ucoz site unaccessible for many hours at times. The notion to once again move was passed, and thus the group moved to proboards where we are now. It might seem like the forum is really new, but the history between the total of about 8 years is not. We encourage guests of any age and mastery of role-playing to join us.

We hope you give our community a try!

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by pothik5647
提供 和 两个级别的车厢。 高速城际列车,车距超过公里。只有头等车厢配有折叠座椅,并为乘客提供更多便利设施。 城际三种车厢。这些火车速度较慢,票价也相应便宜。 城际列车沿途停靠多个站点。货车分为 和 三类。此类火车的票价最便宜,因为停靠站较多,因此行程时间较长。我们会提醒您,乌克兰旅游局为客户提供多种旅游产品选择。特别是在该网站上,您可以购买从乌克兰出发以及世界各地城市之间的巴士、火车和航班的车票。请在此处阅读有关如何使用预订服务的更多信息。想要了解更多信息 请在新闻部分阅读有关乌克兰和世界的最新新闻和有用材料。

我们为您推荐安全舒适的旅行 访问乌克兰 保险,让您在国外安全逗留,无需支付不必要的费用 绿卡 出国旅游的强制性汽车保险 访问乌克兰 机票 预订往返乌克兰以及世界各城市之间的巴士、火车、飞机票 私人律师 印度尼西亚数据 服务 专业法律签证和移民问题支持 访问乌克兰商品购买爱国服装和配饰,全球发货。访问乌克兰。仅在在线版本链接(访问乌克兰的超链接)的情况下复制或重印网站材料。版权所有。推荐文章 分钟 活动 如何来乌克兰过新年假期 如何来乌克兰过新年假期 在计划去乌克兰过新年假期时,考虑几个方面很重要。特别要关注最新信息并检查过境规则。

了解进入乌克兰所需的文件清单、离开临时保护国的规则以及乌克兰人的其他重要详细信息 月 更多详细信息 乌克兰人可以追踪来自国外的货物的清关状态国外货物的清关情况 乌克兰公民有机会方便地跟踪来自其他国家的国际货物的清关状态。这要归功于一项名为“一站式国际贸易商店”的新服务。了解有关创新如何运作的更多信息 十一月 更多详细信息 交通 新列车敖德萨·扎波罗热 ( ) 时刻表路线和票价 新列车敖德萨·扎波罗热 ( ) 时刻表路线和票价 推出了连接敖德萨·扎波罗热 ( ) 的新定期列车。更详细地了解火车将经过哪些城镇以及 月预留座位轿跑车和豪华车的票价多少 更多详

by He-Qui, Master of the Uniberse
Mason started walking off once more, stopping as Kurai was called out to by the dean. "If it helps sir, she didn't start that." He spoke up, not sure why he was bothering to speak up for anyone, especially the one who would soon be his rival.

"Yeah, for sure!" Infernua quickly spoke up. "We're going to put on a real show for them!"

"We are?" Igni asked, not aware they were participating in this.

"Mhm, we gotta! Way too fun not to." Infernua informed Igni.

"Ah, I see. Very well."

by He-Qui, Master of the Uniberse
"Where?" Torgh quickly responded, though he didn't start looking around more than usual yet. Didn't want anyone watching him to be alerted.

"Don't know. Goblins, I think." Rungle responds, audibly unsure in this statement.
by He-Qui, Master of the Uniberse
"We have killed before, if that tells you anything." Zephyr continues to keep his hand off his weapon, staring them down. "You don't want this trouble, go talk with the guild master if you think we're lying."
by He-Qui, Master of the Uniberse
"Fun." Is all Galahad comments in response to that, seemingly leaving it at that as requested.

"That aside, sounds like we're resting the night here, setting out in the morning. All in agreement?" Percival asks the others.

Galahad nods.
by rose guy
"Sure, ready whenever." Cian replied before walking to rejoin the others.
by He-Qui, Master of the Uniberse
Puer nodded. "I owed you. For helping me."

"Yep." Travis confirmed. "Did you learn as much about stuff related to your powers as she does hers? Is that a thing?"

"That's great, just make sure not to jump straight into the first offer they give you. That first offer is going to let them know how much you think they're worth, more than anything else." She instructed, wanting to make sure above all that her daughter didn't come out of this with any regrets or bad feelings.
by He-Qui, Master of the Uniberse
Percival could feel the strain and worry in Amelia as they came and went, but didn't slow in his own work. He just hoped she was okay.

Lance immediately moved to support Amelia, leaning down and swooping his arm around her before she fell completely. "Alright, great job. Able to stand at all, or do you need to sit down?" He quickly asked, wanting to figure out how to present this now. She did save these people after all, he didn't want her to look pathetic afterwards.

Vet, having stayed well and truly outside the house despite how worried he was for his sister, looked down to the plant. He dropped to his knees, wanting to make sure they could hear him. "Y-Yeah! I'm okay, are you two?" He asked, doing his best to not sound like he had been crying at any point recently.

"Glad you consider war with the gods drama, I love the confidence." Camus laughed.

"Alright, great! Time to freeze it!" Syon declared, putting everything he had into this one, finely-tuned spell. Placing both his hands on the water he flash froze it for miles downward, and endlessly across the expanse created. It had to be quick, even a moment's wait now that Azure's connection to the water was frozen over could mean failure.

Across the shattered continent, just as quickly as the water reacted its peak and threatened to flood the lands, a wave of ice froze it into a solid block of ice. Stuck to the lands they connected, the ice would hopefully hold long enough for a more permanent solution to be found. What that solution could be, even Syon didn't know.
by He-Qui, Master of the Uniberse
Weise smirked but didn't speak further, the group traveling to the gate of the city of Stony Beach. He didn't acknowledge the guards on duty with much more than a coy two finger salute, walking right past them. Though Stark seemed ready for them to try something, neither did.

"Well, good to hear you haven't had to fish anything out yet. That part's always the worst." Miles nods. "Done a good job then. Any plans after work?"

"Maybe." Hero looked back to the group. "Are we ready to keep going? The next town can't be far."

Anders smiled, stepping back a bit into a better position. "Sure, if you've got the time I'd love to see how we're both stacking up right now."

"Is there someone you'd like one of us to go fetch?" The guard asked Tuva, not expecting her to just forget she needed an escort into town.
by Dead By Dillight
Gloria sighed "Maybe."

Singa nodded and followed Mason, getting the message but paused as he saw Dire Crowley walking up the stairs.

Kira grumbled as she turned around then paused looking at Crowley "My office, now." Kira paused at that but Crowley motioned and she reluctantly followed knowing she was not going to win this argument.

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