There was a small break from the brutal training as Frieza had something pressing to deal with as he noticed that there was as distinct lack of soldiers who could actually do a damn. So while his malevolent Uncle was on a call with someone all to familar to Coldren, Coldren himself felt his body rest for a few minutes.
Coldren wandered the ship a little bit, coming across the Medical Bay, as the Doctor said "It's a good thing you got here when you did, a minute or two later...well...he might not have made it"
Coldren glared at Vegeta and said "He's lucky...he's more useful alive to me than he is dead." The doctor shivered a bit, that language was a bit more like Coldren's Uncle by the day. "After what he did on Earth to my friends..."
Gulping the Doctor said "I feel your pain sir, Vegeta is responsible for a lot of my friends demises too, however what can you do. Sometimes it's best to fall in line...that's what you're doing right?"
Coldren glared harshly at him the sighed "For now..." He looked at his body for a second. "My Uncle's training is bearing fruit."
"It's still hard to believe you know" the Doctor responded. "That you're from a world where Lord Cooler has a son." He chuckled "I'm surprised Lord Frieza hasn't rubbed it in his face."
Coldren paused at that 'What do you mean?"
"Well, Cooler's son, going to Lord Frieza for training instead of him? That's just..." The Doctor paused at that as Coldren stormed out as he shivered in place. He looked at him and then saw another soldier, Appule, taking over guard duty and manning the healing pod.
The noble Frost Demon's footsteps started to creek onto the ship as he paused hearing his other Uncle walk out of the room. He looked at Coldren then sighed "They won't arrive for six days, when they get here...best behavior."
Coldren asked "Are we resuming training?"
Frieza sighed "No, this annoyance has upset me. Unless you want me to kill you to relieve my tension. Luckily you brought me Vegeta so I'm more merciful towards you...for now"
"Yeah...for now" Coldren paused as Frieza went to another part of the ship as Coldren made his way towards the room that was used for his training. Coldren paused for a brief moment, there was a comminication screen there. Frieza adn him made great pains to not destroy it, it was showing "restraint."
The Doctor's words started to echo into his head, he did this was his father deep down. However, his father is probably just as wicked as his uncle in this universe. It's probably for the best they never meet. However, there was a feeling deep down in his stomach as he held his head a bit.
He stared at the door for a few more seconds before thoughts came back to time before. Before all of it...before Kakarot.
"Father," Coldren asked quietly "What are you doing?"
"Training" Cooler said beating down specialized robots. "I think I found a form beyond this one"
Coldren paused at that and asked "Really?"
"Really" Cooler said "When I get it...I'll be able to convince your Grandfather to let me rule in his stead"
Hesitation, worry about what his Uncle would do if he got caught, everything just suddenly left as he rushed into the room. He hoped to every diety ever that his father had the same communication codes as before. Coldren paused though as there was a audible groan, as a single tear rolled down his eyes.
Amethyst purple skin, white armory, blue shoulders, more slender and taller then his brother, this was him, this was Coldren's father, Cooler. Cooler looked down and said "What is it? What does my pest little brother want!?"
Cooler paused at that "Another Frost Demon? Why are you not on planet? Frieza does not employee members of our race? In fact why are you even there at all? Explain yourself!"
Coldren cleared his throat and wiped his eyes "You haven't...heard about me?"
"About you?" Cooler said paused at that "Why would I have heard about a small fly like yourself? If you are stupid enough to serve my brother, then you are to weak for my attention"
"When the Saiyans betrayed the Galactic Planet Trade, they fought a Frost Demon" Coldren said looking at him which caused Cooler to briefly pause.
"Oh...now I see..." Cooler stated more interested then annoyed as he leaned forward on his chair with great intesity. "Pretty ballsy to make the claim to be my child...especially if you are serving my annoying brother"
"Serving," Coldren said looking at him "More like we're both using each other. I help him on Namek, he trains me for when I get home"
"Ulg that's even worse!" Cooler said with a groan "I'll play your stupid game and pretend you are my child, no child of mine should ever lower himself to being Frieza's servant, even if it is for his own gain!"
"I have no idea where you are, and Earth isn't exactly advanced in it's space travel!" Coldren argued back
Furious at that tone, Cooler stated 'Don't back talk me boy!"
"I'll say whatever I damn well please!" Coldren stated "I'm risking my ass trying to talk to you! I just wanted to hear you, Dad!"
There was a heavy groan from Cooler as he said "You...complete...idiot" he simply put up one finger "First of all, I'm not your father. 1. I don't believe it, and 2. Alternate Universe you stupid fool" He continued with a second finger "Second, if you really are that much weaker then my brother, why are risking your neck on a phone call?! Do you want me to say I'm proud of you? If I was your actual father I would be ashamed!" He put up a third finger "Three, why are you wasting your time with Frieza? He'll kill you as soon as he's done with you. Any claims he made are false, he has no sense of honor"
"I just..." Coldren said pausing, those were some good points.
Cooler looked at him "Again, I'm playing your game, but how much good will you be in slaying the saiyan you claim took my life...if you are dead?!"
Coldren was about to say "I..."
Cooler stated "Stop sniviling boy! Look at me!"
That caused Coldren to look up suddenly as Cooler stated "We are not family, but you are a member of my race. You have standards to live up to damn it! You don't waste my time on sentemental garbage like this! You get stronger, push your limits, and acomplish your goal by any means!" Coldren looked away quietly as Cooler said "Speak up boy..."
"Is it wrong of me to want to hear you" Coldren said quietly "Even if your scolding me like this, or being harsh, I just wanted to hear your voice."
"It is when it's stupid" Cooler stated with a glare "Do not...waste my time...again"
Cooler was going to hang up but Coldren said "I'm going to be stronger than you and Uncle Frieza you know!"
There was a brief pause as Cooler looked at him "Come again?" looking more amused then the normal pissed that he was at that time.
"I'm going to be stronger then the both of you combined" Coldren stated with a glare "When Kakarot dies, I have to be the one to restore the Republic...I will not allow myself to become weak ever again! I am getting stronger, as I said...I'm USING Uncle Frieza to gain my strength, because I noticed recently that when I train with my family...my power skyrockets. So don't say I'm weak because I just wanted to hear my father's voice! I'm going to get stronger than you!"
"Earth right?" Cooler stated looking at him. "That's where you are staying"
Coldren paused at that as he looked up at Cooler "What?" He gripped his hands and said "What of it?"
"Contact me if you return" Cooler stated with a bemused smile "We'll see if your claim is true then...as I will personally go there to test your strength. That is all for this conversation...boy" with one hang up. Coldren leaned against the control then heard bemused laughter.
He turned suddenly as Frieza was there chuckling "What did you think was going to happen? Daddy Dearest praising your from high hell to back" He then laughed "And you becoming stronger than me? Don't make me laugh boy! My power exceeds yours by miles"
Coldren was about to say something when Frieza and him both heard an explosion as the ship rocked. "That sounded like it came from the Doctor's room"
Wide Eyed, Frieza said "Vegeta, he's attempting to escape! Chase him down now or..." Suddenly COldren and Frieza were blocked in by a blast from Vegeta as the renegade prince went to work...as they both heard him scattering the Dragon Balls.
Frieza's eyes twiched with rage as he shattered the rubble into pieces as Coldren and him observed the damage. Coldren then turned to say something, but Frieza pointed his finger at him and fired a Death Beam. However Coldren deflected it away as Frieza glared even harder at him. "The honey mood is over, my dear nephew. I warned you this would happen if you failed me!"
Coldren glared and darted off as Frieza went to give chase but was suddenly blocked off by a bunch of sand as Coldren blasted the ground, taking advantage of his Uncle's lack of energy sensing.
With a heavy heart Coldren left...dashing off to find the others.